Manner & Other Functional Prepositions
meta | : | about, regarding (pertinential, PRN) |
von | : | done by, made by (agent, AGT) |
epo | : | composed of, made of some material (compositive, CPS) |
ala | : | according to, as described by (considerative, CSD) |
kata | : | upon, unto (patient, PAT) |
ana | : | up, until, to create something (resultative, RES) |
Here are some miscellaneous prepositions and their examples.
Lokl'ai 3PL-∈ |
femos' speak |
meta PRN |
meteora. weather |
'They talked about weather.' |
S'ai this-∈ |
grafika painting |
von AGT |
mea. 1SG |
'This is a painting by me.' |
Mokl'ai 1PL-∈ |
teko box-GEN |
poietos create |
epo CPS |
ligna. wood |
'We made a box out of wood.' |
Mokl'ai 1PL-∈ |
magiros cook |
ala CSD |
sa this |
biblia. book |
'We cook according to this book.' |
Comparative & Equivalence (ultra & iso)
ultra | : | more than, beyond |
iso | : | similar to, just like, as |
Comparative statements have the form "pleo [parameter] ultra [reference]", which means 'more ... than ...'.
Heli'ai Sun-∈ |
pleo more |
makros' big |
ultra than |
planeta he-Tera. Earth |
'The Sun is bigger than the Earth.' |
When there are multiple things, we can move the preposition "ultra" to disambiguate which element is being compared.
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
skopos see |
meta PRN |
pleo more |
multa many |
iktia fish |
ultra than |
ornita. bird |
'I see more fish than I see birds.' (fish that I see > birds that I see) |
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
ultra than |
ornita, bird |
skopos see |
meta PRN |
pleo more |
multa many |
iktia. fish |
'I see more fish than a bird sees.' (fish that I see > fish that a bird sees) |
Statements about equivalence and similarity have the form "homo/tauto ... iso ...". The word homo indicates belonging to the same group, type, or level. Meanwhile, tauto indicates identity as the same instance or individual. E.g. tauto tektonika is the same one building from before, while homo tektonika is another building with the same design.
L'ai 3SG-∈ |
dromos' run |
homo same type |
takos' fast |
iso as |
laga. rabbit. |
'He runs as fast as a rabbit.' |
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
ontos exist |
ende inside |
tauto same id. |
tektonika building |
iso as |
ta. 2SG. |
'I am in the same building as you.' |
Causes, Mechanisms, and Methods (epo poste, epo sin, epo kata)
Methods and mechanisms can be expressed by putting two activities next to each other
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
mobilosa move |
pedestrosa walk |
'I move by walking.' |
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
fagosa eat |
dentatose chew-CONS |
bromata food |
'I eat by chewing food.' |
Mechanisms can also be expressed with the preposition epo sin followed by the underlying activity.
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
fagos' eat |
epo sin by |
dentatose chew-CONS |
bromata food |
'I eat by chewing food.' |
Pluvi'ai rain-∈ |
ontos' exist |
epo sin he by |
hidr'ai 3PL-∈ |
kadukos' fall |
apo from |
nefa cloud |
'It rained when water fell from the clouds.' |
Causes, i.e. things in the past that lead up to an event, are expressed with the preposition epo poste.
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
fagos' eat |
epo poste because |
oreksos' hungry |
'I eat because I am hungry' |
Pluvi'ai rain-∈ |
ontos' exist |
epo poste because |
l'ai 3PL-∈ |
halatose saltify-CONS |
nefa cloud |
'It rained because they salted the clouds.' |
We can express intruments, i.e. objects that we control or manipulate to perform an activity, with the preposition epo kata.
M'ai 1SG-∈ |
fagos eat |
epo kata by affecting |
mo my |
ora mouth |
'I eat by using my mouth.' |