sekunda 'second (SI unit)'
mina 'minute, 60 seconds'
hora 'hour, 60 minutes'
hemera 'daytime'
nikta 'nighttime'
mada 'whole day, 24 hours'
heptomada 'week, 7 days'
mena 'month'
epoka 'season'
etea 'year'
arkea 'the past'
hestera, pra- 'yesterday, the day before'
aktua 'the present, today, now, current time'
krasta, sekua- 'tomorrow, the day after'
futura 'the future'
verna 'spring'
aestiva 'summer'
autumna 'autumn, fall'
hiberna 'winter'
meteora 'weather, atmospheric phenomenon, meteor'
pluvia 'rain, precipitation'
anema 'wind'
kiona 'snow'
glasia 'ice, hail'
nefa 'cloud, mist, fog'
astrapa 'lightning'
aurora 'aurora'
siklona 'cyclone, whirlwind'