poietos 'to make, to produce, to arrange materials into a product'
grafos 'to draw, to write, to create shapes by applying pigment to a surface'
glifos 'to carve, to sculpt, to chisel, to create shapes by eroding a medium'
magiros 'to cook, to prepare food by heating or mixing ingredients together'
tektonos 'to build, to construct, to create a structure by placing materials on top of another'
rafos 'to sew, to stitch, to connect fabric by weaving a thread between them'
plastos 'to mold, to form, to adjust the shape of a material by pressing, stretching, or bending'
hifantos 'to weave, to knit, to arrange threads into fabric'
ergos 'to work, to do a job, to perform labor, to provide goods or services'
peiros 'to try, to attempt, to make an effort to make or do something (whether succesful or not)'
agonos 'to participate, to play a role in an activity, to be involved directly'