epistemos 'to know (that), to have information about something, to have true beliefs'
memoros 'to remember, to recall, to access one's memory'
frenos 'to think (about), to imagine, to come up with something'
eksegetos 'to read, to interpret (that), to identify the intended meaning of a statement'
skeptos 'to examine/evaluate, to think about the effects and implications of something'
mantos 'to speculate, to guess, to forecast, to make a prediction (that)'
aforos 'to make a judgement, to conclude (that), to determine, to deduce'
doksos 'to think (that), to be convinced, to believe'
telos 'to want, to desire, to feel positive or negative motivation to do an action'
heretos 'to choose, to elect, to intend, to decide on an action based on one's goals and preferences'
skematos 'to plan, to design, to come up with details about an intended action'
filos 'to like, to prefer, to find pleasure from'
misos 'to dislike, to hate, to find displeasure from'
agapos 'to love, to care about someone's wellbeing'
haptos 'to feel (the touch of)'
osmos 'to smell (the scent of)'
geusos 'to taste'
akustos 'to hear, to listen'
optos 'to see, to look at'
skopos 'to watch, to observe, to perceive attentively, to collect information about an object by sensing it'
logos 'to study, to research, to collect information about something by any method'
empiros 'to try, to experiment, to experience, to do an action and observe its effects or results'
leksos 'to read a text, to relate a symbol to a word to collect information through recorded statements'
zetetos 'to seek, to search for, to attempt to find something'
heuristos 'to find, to discover to gain information about an object's location'
algos 'to feel pain, to feel stung'
pruros 'to feel itchy'
gargalos 'to feel tickled'
nauseos 'to feel nauseated'
erotos 'to feel aroused'
hedonos 'to feel pleasure, to enjoy'
odinos 'to feel dipleasure, to be upset'
euforos 'to feel happy'
disforos 'to feel sad'
fobos 'to feel scared, afraid'
koleros 'to feel angry'