fagos 'to eat, to consume, to swalow'
inspiros 'to inhale, to breathe in, to suck air into one's lungs'
ekspiros 'to exhale, to breathe out, to blow air out of one's lungs'
sternutos 'to sneeze'
tusos 'to cough'
dentos 'to bite'
linguatos 'to lick'
pulsos 'to pulse, (for heart) to beat'
blefaros 'to blink'
singultos 'to hiccup'
oneiros 'to dream'
sinkopos 'to faint, to lose consciousness'
somnos 'to be asleep'
anastasos 'to wake up, to regain consciousness'
salivo krinos 'to salivate'
lakrimo krinos 'to cry'
sudoro krinos 'to sweat'
urino krinos 'to urinate, to pee'
kopro krinos 'to defecate'
emeto krinos 'to vomit, to puke, to throw-up'
menstruos 'to menstruate'
ovulatos 'to ovulate'
gestatos 'to be pregnant, to carry a child'
tokos 'to give birth, to deliver a baby'
amblotos 'to have a miscarriage, to abort'
lagnos 'to perform sexual intercouse, to mate'
gametos 'to fertilize, to inseminate'