Alphabet & Phonology

Glotoid has 20 basic letters that are mostly* pronounced according their IPA values.

VOWELS Front & Unrounded Back & Rounded
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a

CONSONANTS Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Velar Glottal
Plosive b, p d, t g, k
Nasal m n (n)
Trill/Flap/Tap r
Fricative v, f z, s (h) h
Lateral Approximant l


For brevity in speech and poetry, speakers may freely choose to reduce the pronunciation of these vowels.

For ease of pronunciation, speakers may modify the realization of these consonants.

For clarity, speakers may aspirate or lengthen unvoiced consonants to further distinguish them from their voiced counterpart.

Consonant Clusters

This table lists all possible consonant pairs that can occur in between vowels, e.g. "ks" in "taksa". Pairs that are marked with an asterisk (*) are "initial clusters", which can be used both in the middle or the begining of a word, e.g. "kr" in "krania" and "sukrosa". Clusters of 3 or more consonants can occur if a consonant is followed by an initial cluster, e.g. "mb" + "*br" = "mbr" in "Kambria"

bm bv bf bd bt bn bz bs *br *bl bg bk
pm pv pf pd pt pn pz ps *pr *pl pg pk
mb mp mv mf md mt mn mz ms mr ml bg mk
vb vp vm vd vt vn vz vs *vr *vl vg vk
fb fp fm fd ft fn fz fs *fr *fl fg fk
db dp dm dv df dn dz ds *dr *dl dg dk
tb tp tm tv tf tn tz ts *tr *tl tg tk
nb np nm nv nf nd nt nz ns nr nl ng nk
zb zp zm zv zf zd zt zn zr zl zg zk
sb *sp sm sv *sf sd *st sn *sr *sl sg *sk
rb rp rm rv rf rd rt rn rz rs rl rg rk
lb lp lm lv lf ld lt ln lz ls lr lg lk
gb gp gm gv gf gd gt gn gz gs *gr *gl
kb kp km kv kf kd kt kn kz ks *kr *kl
hb hp hm hv hf hd ht hn hz hs hr hl hk hg ___

Speakers with difficulties in pronuncing consonant clusters may insert a schwa /ə/ or a short /a/ between consonants, e.g. "Kambria" may be pronounced as /kam.bri.a/ > /kam.bə.ri.a/ > /ka.mə.bə.ri.a/ > /ka.mă.bă.ri.a/.

Further Resources

Other Writing Systems

How to write names and foreign words